We declare:
- That Halloween costumes are for the enjoyment of both the viewer and the wearer.
- That Halloween is not Carnival, the Saturnalia, nor the Bacchanalia.
- That Halloween costumes need not be frightening or macabre.
- That Halloween costumes may depict a visual pun, provided it is lucid and intelligible without explanation.
- That to put a Halloween costume on a dog, cat, or other animal is okay.
- That Halloween costumes may be ribald or risqué, as sexual provocation contains an element of horror.
We fight:
- Against impractical Halloween costumes that require the wearer to carry an accessory in the hands.
- Against unguessable Halloween costumes which require the viewer to ask, “What are you?”
- Against non-costumes which are instead performed rôles, personas, or characters.
- Against over-elaborate Halloween costumes that are more spectacle than costume.
- Against all tendencies which have the effect of discouraging the wearing of Halloween costumes, including mandatory costume edicts.