Category: internet

Items of the Day – 5/24/2009

the albatross return to capistrano

Have you noticed that world has felt empty and devoid of meaning for the past few months? That since early April, life has been harder, meaner, and colder? Despair no longer, loyal friends: Fafblog is back!

also: for the internets

If you’re a “weblogger”, or if you prefer, a “blogger”, and especially if you get paid to post things on the “internets”, please take note:

Writing about or pointing out something amusing you saw in the craigslist personal or classified ads is stupid, and you should stop doing it. And if it’s a typographical error that you think is hilarious, please take a leave of absence and think about what you’ve done.

That is all.

ok, hipsters

Here are some things that are not just okay, but great, transgressive, brilliant, amazing, and should be entirely legal:

And, here is something that is awful, horrible, embarassing, exploitative, and should be illegal:

Anyone want to step up and explain the difference to me?

grand unifying theory


Godwin’s law: As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.


Moore’s law: At our rate of technological development, the complexity of an integrated circuit, with respect to minimum component cost, will double about every 24 months.


At our rate of technological development, the speed at which an online discussion races towards a comparison to Hitler or the Nazis doubles every 24 months.

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