All current and former national anthems must fight for our amusement! Begin!
First, the anthem of the Former Soviet Union.
English Translation:
Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!
Sing to the Fatherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism’s triumph lead us on!
fyi: Today, more than 12 years after it aired, I finally saw the Quantum Leap series finale. This is a big milestone for me.
Just as a point of reference, the following are the charities I’m supporting this year through my employer’s United Way campaign. We’re able to designate any 501(c)(3) charities along with or instead of the United Way on our form, so I’m taking advantage of this.
Anyway, if you felt like kicking in a few dollars along with me, that would be cool.
In Wallace Rice papers, Newberry Library, Box 5, Folder 119
Bell Telephone System
Technical Publications
June 1930
Mongraph B-491
The Words and Sounds of Telephone Conversations
by N.R. French, C.W. Carter, Jr, and Walter Koenig, Jr.
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
“A study of the kind and frequency of occurrence of words and simple speech sounds obtained from telephone conversations on toll circuits terminating in New York City.”

This is just a little teaser for series of upcoming posts, where some surprising facts will be revealed:
- Proposed fifth stars for the Chicago Flag, including one that Richard J. Daley planned to “explore”.
- The original two stars on the flag might not represent what you thought!
- How sharp should the points on the stars be? Perhaps even sharper than you imagine!
- Alternative symbolism of the white and blue fields!
Stay tuned!